Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian/American media critic who is also a speaking event organizer. Feminist Frequency was created by Sarkeesian. The site hosts videos which include commentary on the depictions of women in contemporary culture. Anita Sarkeesian was a Canadian as well as an American feminist media critic. Feminist Frequency is a non-for profit site for education that investigates female representations in popular stories of culture - was created and is directed by Sarkeesian. As well as working to highlight the problems surrounding sexual harassment and attack on women and others of minority groups in the online world, she is dedicated to breaking down the stigmas and stereotypes in the popular culture. Sarkeesian is a graduate in political thought and social theory at York University. She is also an internationally acclaimed public speaking. Sarkeesian has given speeches at the TEDxWomen XOXO Fest and United Nations Broadband Working Group. Inquiring about gender identity and feminism from the age of 7, she started her site Feminist Frequency in 2009, while she was still at university. The determined lady had planned to launch a web series examining the gender roles in video games and found herself the target of an online harassment campaign. But the assault did not deter her instead it made her more determined as a feminist critic of media. The award-winning journalist has received numerous accolades to recognize her notable contributions to the field of feminism. Anita Sarkeesian is an award nominated media critic as well as the founder of Feminist Frequency an educational non-profit that explores the representations of women in popular culture and the narratives that surround them.

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